That time again when we make our new years resolutions and then break them! Or maybe not, perhaps once you have made them you continue through out the next year keeping them. I personally don't make new years resolutions but I do say to myself "this year I am going to do more exercise" "this year I am going to lose some weight" sound familiar? Sometimes we say to ourselves "I am going to TRY and ...." The reason I have put TRY in capitals is as soon as we say the word try, it gives our subconscious mind an escape clause, TRY = FAIL. It is not intentional. If you think of the times you have said to someone you will try and do something or they have said to you they will try and do something for you has it ever happened? The famous advert for Nike doesn't say "try and do it" it says "Just Do It"

New Year and a new you it can happen. With a combination of Hypnotherapy and NLP you can change your life, the key is YOU! You have to want to do these things lose weight, give up smoking, gain confidence. It all comes from within. If you believe you can't do something then you probably can't.

Let me tell you a story of an elephant, as a baby it is tethered to a metal chain and a stake is driven into the ground, the more it pulls the more it is unable to get away so the baby elephant stops trying. As an adult all that stops the elephant is a piece of rope and a wooden stake. This is not strong enough to keep the elephant in place but it was conditioned as a baby to believe it can't get away so it doesn't even try. I want you to think that as human beings how many times have we failed to do something because we have been conditioned to believe we can't?
If you need help with your new years resolutions why not give me a call for a chat.
All the best for 2013.