We all wonder what makes one person more confident than another. If you look around your own group of friends there is always one that seems as if they have it all. They are confident, self assured they take risks that pay off.
The dictionary definition of confident is: belief in one's own abilities; self assurance.
How many times have we given up on ourselves because we have lacked the confidence in our own abilities? I know I have.
 How many times have we said to ourselves"If I was a stone lighter, I would be more confident" ,"If I was prettier. I would be more confident","If I were more successful, I would be more confident." Confidence is not external it is from within. We need to believe in our own self worth to gain that confidence or it does not matter how much weight we lose, how pretty we are or how successful we are we are never going to feel that confident. 

I was once told that confidence is not something that is gained we just get better at hiding our insecurites. In some ways this is true.With hypnosis we can change the negative into  believing in ourselves. The mind cannot tell the difference between imagined and reality and the subconcious mind cannot hold two opposing beliefs. If you have self doubt and lack in confidence then this has been imprinted onto the subconcious and you have continued to believe this. The mind also only accepts positive. So back to the original advice I got about confidence: If we put our insecurites to one side and concentrate on the positives the confidence will grow and those insecurities will not take up as much of our time. 

One more point, those people who we believe to be really confident have had their set backs but they have put it to one side and not let it get to them. Oscar Wilde said " We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" 