Yes folks, we are coming up to the time of year that sends normal people into panic! Enforced time with the family running about trying to get everything done. Demands on your time socially as well as spending money. On top of that there is the PARTY season  how many of us have thought we should have time to drop a few dress sizes? (just so we are able to put it all back on during the festive period). Hypnosis can help lose that weight before Christmas and change your attitude towards food and your body image. Making it easier to keep the weight off during and  after. We all have will power, otherwise we would not get up in the morning, it's how we apply it that matters. Our mind is conditioned to fail at diets especially if you are like myself and been on so many. And yet if you follow a few simple rules you can lose weight:
Eat breakfast within half an hour of getting up, this sets up your metabolic rate for the day.

Chew each mouthful 20 times putting your knife and fork down between each mouthful

.                                                            Do NOT drink with your meal wait until you are finished

.                                                            Do not eat after 7.30pm

_If you follow these simple rules you will lose weight. Don't just take my word for it try it and see. If you want  more help then why not book a weight loss session with me. or call me for a chat about how hypnosis can help where diets have failed.