With the exams over and the results now back, it feels like we can rest a while. That is before the next round of exams or tests are upon us. When we leave school or university we think that is the end of tests and exams but for most of us it is the beginning of new challenges. Driving tests, work related courses, vocational subjects or even courses done for pleasure which may also have tests.

Exams cause so many people to doubt themselves. "Have I learned the right subjects?" "Have I enough knowlege on the subjects I know?" "Have I studied enough?" Sound familiar? I know because I have also been there. Then when you come out of the exam and start comparing what you wrote with your friends the doubts increase until...I'VE FAILED! You are convinced until that paper comes through the door to tell you otherwise. Some people are not so lucky in that they have such a bad attack of nerves that they make themselves ill with worry and that's where hypnosis can help.

I have always used self hypnosis for exams, tests, interviews. Any situation that can cause those feelings of doubt. You know you have done the work, you have the knowledge, however, that said you are still nervous. Hypnosis relaxes the body and the mind. With the help of the hypnotherapist the subconcious believes it has already done the exam and knows there is nothing to worry about. The subconcious cannot tell the difference between imagined and reality. All it knows is it has been there before and there wasn't a problem. A little bit of nervousness is good but it doesn't have to be debilitating. Hypnosis is not magic you need to put in the work.  What hypnosis does is relax you enough to be able to recall the knowledge you have.
For those of you out there who have sat exams and got the grades you desired CONGRATULATIONS! For those of you who have more exams to take and want to be more in control talk to me about attending a one day self hypnosis course.
Next month: Confidence.
Christine x